Category Archives: Uncategorized

Photos, Photos, and More Photos!

My eldest daughter arrived last night.  I was especially ecstatic about this visit, knowing she was bringing her camera!  My eldest happens to be a photo editor at a magazine in New York City, so I am thrilled to know a professional is taking pictures of my work.   My eldest daughter’s dog, Lucy also wanted to get in on the action.  Being a grandmother to this pretty little  Havanese,  I definitely wanted her in a picture!   So, check out Lucy, modeling one of my scarfs below.

Doesn't she look lovely? Next time, I will definitely have to knit something for her.


I hope you enjoy the pictures I posted!  If you see anything  you  like or adore, please feel free to let me know by commenting below.  It is always so nice to know you work is loved and appreciated by other fellow knitters.  I truly enjoyed  knitting all these pieces, most of which were for my daughters, family members, and friends.

I am looking forward to  sharing more of my projects.

Ta, Ta For Now!

your very own Jin

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do you know how many?

Yesterday, Connecticut suffered another Snow Day so I  knitted my time away as usual.  Mid-knit, I suddenly wondered how many items I had made since mid of October?  This was when I had found my neighborhood knitting store.

I quickly jotted the numbers down and came out with 11 hats (9 adults, 2 babies), 9 gloves(7 fingerless, 2 Twilight themed),  6 cowls, 1 scarf, and 1 pair of  leg warmers.  A grand total of 28 items!  The number blew my mind away, but I sadly had nothing to show off. I had given many away as  presents, without even thinking to take any photos. Thankfully, my youngest daughter who still lives at home wears  my line religiously and had many available on hand.  It’s so nice being appreciated!

I quickly texted the number to a close friend and my eldest daughter who were both just as amazed as I was.   My eldest daughter who luckily was coming home for the weekend wrote back saying she would bring her camera to take pictures of the remaining items.

So, here I am! I thought it would be nice to share some of my work with my fellow interweb knitters.  So, keep posted for my next blog featuring pictures of items knitted by moi, your very own Jin!

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Hello world!

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!

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